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Lodging counter notices
Written by Ben M
Updated over 9 months ago

We understand your frustration if material that is owned by you is taken down by Otters. Sometimes, mistakes happen, and if you believe you rightfully own the content then you can submit a counter notice.

A DMCA counter notice is a claim under The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Section 512 (g) and certain Copyright, Designs and Patents Act provisions that allows a subject to submit notice to force an entity to replace removed or disabled material on their website.
​Lodging a counter notice
In line with industry standards, counter notices must be lodged through the entity that your material was removed from. Typically, they deal with receiving and subsequently dealing with takedown and counter notices. We will typically respond to that counter notice past that point - though be aware that the company may hand over some personal information to us so we can contact you pertinent to the notice.

The entity I'm working with told me to contact you

We understand that some companies ask you to lodge the counter notice with the complainant. This is not industry standard, however, if this is the case please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • IN THE SUBJECT LINE: The URL of the entity that we submitted a takedown to

  • Your name

  • Your email

  • A copy of our takedown (if possible)

  • Any references that may have been forwarded to you or included in our original takedown

  • Supporting evidence for your counter notice

Your claim and its supporting evidence must be wholly satisfactory, otherwise we will not be able to process the claim. If we believe you do have a satisfactory claim, we will act upon that information and may invite you to a meeting with our team to discuss it.

DO NOT contact us through the messenger for a counter notice. You may not receive a reply.

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